Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jewls What to Wear Valentine's Day Guide

So to finish out our Valentine's Day Guide deliciousness, I have decided to inspire you girlies with three drastically different V-day looks. One for three totally different girls. Now as far as I go, I could totally rock all three of these any day of the week, but I am all over the map like that with my fashion taste!!!  Check out my three looks below as I guide you through each ensemble that I have created for each girl!  Hopefully this will help inspire you towards the perfect V-day ensemble while you are shopping this weekend! Mwa! ;)

X. Jewls

For my Experimental Fashionista Vday Girl:

First, I created an ensemble that is for our whimsical, free spirited, fashion forward girl. A girl who takes risks, but still likes to keep it tasteful and a tad feminine. I for one, am in the mood for this particular get up this Valentine's Day. Chiffon Maxi Skirts and Chloe's new Mary Janes are totally suiting my mood right now! Also, the Proenza necklace (gasp), the Emptyeyes bracelet, and the two crystal ring sets are literally muuuuurdering me. I really enjoy this outfit too because you will look so unbelievably chic and unique next to every other girl in a typical cheap looking red cocktail dress (Yawn! Sigh. Predictable. Boooring.)  So I vote for this one. ;)

For My Sweet Fashionista Vday Girl:

Secondly, I created a conservative sweet girl look. This is for the girl that has herself together, knows how to dress, and draw attention to herself without needing to go over the top. I imagine a girl with loads of confidence and a quiet swagger wearing this ensemble. I had to throw this look in the bunch because I toooootally have those days where I want to dress super cute and innocent and how much more "come hither" can this dress get? So covering and sensual at the same time! I love it! It is very old school elegant, yet modern and fun with the bow and the bubble hem. Carven makes the most incredible pieces, I swear. I picked through a bunch at Barney's last week and was just drooling. The Nicholas Kirkwood pumps were just too spot on not to toss in and they strangely belong with this dress! This girl would have to be pretty self assured to rock these printed pumps as they are definitely a statement. Oh wait! Can we talk about the Damaris Bra real quick??? It is a halter that crosses in the front!!! Beyond different and so sexy on! It is the perfect little surprise since this dress has a high neck. Adore!  ;)

For My Anti-Love Fashionista Vday Girl:

Lastly, I created this ensemble for the girl who wants to say to everyone on Valentines Day: "I'm hot, I'm single, I'm alone and love it. I have no obligation to anyone and yeah go ahead and stare at me cause my outfit is SICK!"  I have for suuuuure had those V-days and this outfit was not far off from the look I was rocking! You have to kind of respect those girls and love that they can express themselves through this kind of style. Hell, I still dress like this 70% of the time and am engaged now, so what does that say? Bahaha! I will never give up my crazy leather pants and my ridiculously cropped crop tops!!! Nothing is more fun and rebellious then throwing them on and sticking out like a sore thumb! Who wants to blend in anyway? I am obsessed with every part of this outfit. Everything from The Bullet Paneled Leggings, the Pamela Love Rings, the kick ass Robert Clergerie Wedges to the Venessa Arizaga Bracelets. Just slay me!!! Through the accessories in this outfit, you can still read that this girl is warm at heart, playful, open, and not just completely goth. That's the best part! This look is mysterious, but still approachable while attracting a strong confident guy that will let you be who you want! That's what I ended up with and I live for it! ;)

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