Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Photographer Spotlight: Cass Bird

Cass Bird is such an influential photographer. I have been following her work for years and can just about spot her work anywhere now. She is based out of Brooklyn, New York and is regularly featured in The New York Times "T" Magazine, Interview, Paper, Details, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, ID, Dazed and Confused, Monopol, and Nylon. ID and Dazed and Confused are two of my favorite magazines because they never fail for an incredible "editorial flip through". I adore seeing her shoots in there and have a massive stack next to my bed that my man is constantly begging me to get rid of. I can't! They are keepsakes! As I continue to educate, sharpen and hone my own skills with photography, Cass is a woman I most certainly admire. She has such an uncanny ability to capture genuine moments. I imagine shooting with her would be like hanging out with a good friend because her pictures feel so intimate and comfortable. I hope to be able to capture that same feel with my own photography. I featured an amazing shoot from Cass a year ago out of Dossier Journal with her buddy, Daria Werbowy (yeah, we've heard of her, right?). That shoot is still in my top five all time favorite shoots... so be sure to check it out! You can also check out her rad blog at Yep, she's a tumblr gal. Guess we all need one. ;) Happy Wednesday, loves. I can't wait for this week to be over so we can get on with our holiday weekend! Ekk! Almost there!

X. Jewls

Here is Cass Bird's shoot with Daria Werbowy for T magazine that hit the stands this past week. They shot in St Barts. Aren't we all jealous? God, that was the best vacay of my life. I want to go back. I love it there! Now, can we please just take about five minutes to stare at the absolute genius of this photo? My guess is she threw sand in front of her lens as she snapped the shot! Any other theories? Guh, I want to be her. Cass, that is...
So comfortable, cute and effortless. Cass and Daria have done loads of shoots together. You can see their chemistry through these photos.
Who wants to roll down to St. Barts with me? 
Stunning. The sand just makes it even better. I love Daria with no make up. 
 Chilling on a St. Barts highway in a Missoni bathing suit. The article in The New York Times says she stopped traffic. I believe it.
Swimming around being a goof ball, Cass captures this amazing shot! The colors are beautiful! You can see a video of it on Cass's Tumblr!

An old pic from a shoot with Daria. I want to figure out how to get lighting down. So sick. I can't take how amazing the sunshine looks shining on her hair like that.
I don't remember the last time I was this in love with a photo. I love these girls.
The cool kids.
Freja looking unreal as usual with farm animals, a ripped up sweater, and cigarettes. Duh.
Pile up! So sweet!
 The lighting, the embrace, the way her feet are positioned! Perfection! She has captured such a beautiful moment here!
I have made this my desktop. How unreal is this photograph? So 70's. It makes me wanna go spray paint romantic phrases around LA. Who dares me...?
 One of my favorite shots of Freja.
Georgia May Jagger at her prettiest if you ask me.
I love her hair and neck stretched out like this. The lighting is sick. I really like how half of her face is over exposed.
 My love Cory Kennedy with some buddies shot by Cass. I adore this picture. Sweetest button on the planet.
The lovely Cass Bird herself.

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