Thursday, June 2, 2011

Blogger Spotlight: Mandy Shadforth from "Oracle Fox"

Mandy. Wins. For. My. Favorite. Personal. Style. Hands. Down.  

Bravo to Mandy Shadforth. She currently lives in Australia and works as an artist, blogger, and a freelance stylist. She nails it every time with her effortless ensembles. I am just now discovering her blog and I have no idea why. I literally stopped everything else I was doing and scrolled through every single one of her posts (all two years worth of her archives). Liza and I truly love to focus on shouting out all of the obscure designers that we respect and admire. We also make a point to spotlight and write bios on up-and-coming models, stylists, and photographers as they really make these designs come to life through the lens. It's rare to find cult-ish indie blogs like that these days and if you do they're usually just posting the same stuff and not crediting each other. That drives Liza and I crazy. Waiting a week and then ripping some ones post off doesn't make it OK. Why not credit and support each other?  I personally LOVE finding a blogger with sick personal style that posts things that I have yet to discover. I adore finding a blogger that introduces me to new designers and aspects of the fashion industry that inspire me. Mandy has most certainly done that so I just had to do a spotlight on this gorgeous talented girl! Lize and I have had this blog together for two and a half years now and have only done five blogger spotlights, so it's a big deal when we find someone to feature! I am so thrilled to have discovered Oracle Fox

Oracle Fox is so original, innovative, and versatile. Mandy covers so many different areas of the industry...  much in the way Liza and I do with our blog. I love how all across the board she is. One day she'll post an editorial shoot, an outfit post, a travel post, then illustrations from artists she likes. You can tell she posts whatever has moved her that day. It is not too planned or a premeditated wannabe online webazine. Oracle Fox is a genuine online journal. Her accessories literally gave me heart palpitations. Ah, what I would do to have her Pamela Love collection. ;)  Mandy also surfs. I mean, does is get more rad than that? All the way from her shorts, blouses, boots, massive stack of friendship bracelets, the huge hardware rings she keeps on every finger, her surf board, to her perfectly tousled hair... this chick definitely passes my "cool" test. I would chill with her any day! Considering half of my closest friends here in LA are Australian, I am sure we would get along great. Ha! Be sure to check out Oracle Fox because it's blowing up! Happy Thursday, darlings! My weekend starts... NOW!

X. Jewls

Those rings, the Pamela Love Talon cuff, the hair, that jacket!!!!! I love this shot!!!
 My favorite shot of Mandy. The clouds kill me. This literally looks like it was ripped out of i-D magazine. 
Mandy's latest outfit post. Isn't she adorable?
 The print of this blouse just makes the sunlight peeking through look even more gorgeous. It 's super chic how her hat is pulled all the way down too. Could you die over her rings? They are awesome.
Ha! Goofy in a laundry mat. I adore that she doesn't take herself too seriously when getting shot in her ensembles. It is so much more fun to be silly! Liza and I are completely nuts when we get to visit each other and take photos together! We act completely bonkers. The sickest photos usually come out like that anyway. ;)
Those shorts are to die for. That jacket with the fringe is absolutely fantastic and could go with literally anything and make it look edge-y as hell. Oh, and are those bubbles she is holding? Love this concept for a shoot.
In love with her clutch here. Sick sick sick. I want it. Oh and can we please discuss her head piece, the cut outs in her shirt, and that massive bracelet? This look is so gypsy chic. She is so versatile!
The sun, her hair, the bike, and the basket. I love this shot so much. Omg, as a photographer... I die for this. Love it.
Awesome stack of bracelets. You can tell she didn't just throw all of those on her arm one day and she isn't wearing them in a stack because it's trendy. They have clearly been there a while and mean something to her. I love that.  Oh yeah, and there is the amaaaazing Unearthen Crystal Prism Ring that Lize and I have been lusting after since last January. ;) Again, Mandy's taste and style is perfect.
 Photo shoot time.
 A shot of what Mandy packed on her recent trip to Bali to surf with her girlfriends. Awesome life, right? Love this. That Corona bag is fab.
 She just posted the new ad pics for Pamela Love with model, Charlotte Free. Obsessed. I have been in love with her forever. She is stunning. I did a huge post on Charlotte a while back. Adore her and those cuffs are making me nauseous. I need them now.
This photo is unreal. I love that little pink braid peeking out.
Mandy also threw some of Free People's photos up on her blog from their June 2011 looks. Who knew Free People could look so bohemian chic right? Go to her blog to see the rest. All the looks are sick. I would have never thought to go check Free People out?? Amazing. I need to add those pants to my leather collection asap.

Mandy recently did a huge post on one of her favorite artist/designer, Abbey Watkins. I had never seen this illustrator before. I am in love with fashion illustrators because I envy that talent so much! Isn't this piece unbelievable? I wish I could draw. I had to share the love on this amazing artist and pay it forward. 

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