Sunday, June 26, 2011

Catwalk show 2011. FMP

These are a few photos from my final major project catwalk show. first catwalk i've done.. i was so nervous but it went perfectly!! Photoshoot soon, so i should have some more pics then.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Farewell I Live For It...

Hello to all of our gorgeous readers,

  Liza and I have decided to start two new fashion blogs. It will be TWICE the fashion and TWICE the fun!  Mine will be based out of Los Angeles and Liza's will be based out of Chicago. I Live For It has been an incredible experience for both of us and we have loved every second that we have shared with you all. We thank each and every one of you for all of your love and support over the past two and a half years.

 We hope to continue our blogging relationships with all of you and that you will follow us on our newly launched blogs!

You can follow Jewls at 

You can follow Liza at 

 Thanks again to all of you for making this experience so special for the both of us! It's been truly amazing and we'll see you on our new blogs!


     Jewls and Liza

PS: I Live For It will still remain on blogspot so you can scroll through our archives for the rest of time!

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