Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dear MK... I ♥ You

Ahhh, what a delicious lazy day off today in LA. It's kind of gloomy which I love. It almost feels like an actual season. John pulled his back out at the gym last night, so I spent the majority of my morning taking him to my chiropractor in Beverly Hills. Poor little one. I guess that puts us on the couch for the rest of the evening. A perfect excuse for me to catch up on Glee episodes and crack out on some blogging. ;) I was pondering on what to post today as I peered down at our "Favorite MKA snaps" category, and decided it could definitely use a new post! Who doesn't live for admiring and gazing at photos of our two darling little loves?! Lize and I used to pretend we hated them back when we were 17 and they started blowing up.  Then we snapped to our senses and decided to admit it was really because we were super jealous of all the amazing wardrobe they were beginning to accrue. I'll never forget... I had mono and Lize came over and brought "HOLIDAY IN THE SUN" to watch with me in bed. MK hopped on the private jet in the film wearing the sickest Fendi Bucket Hat, and we threw our hands up in the air and surrendered to loving them! (Note: I later stalked and tracked down the Fendi hat on a trip to London a year later with my sister. I bought two of them. Yeah, obsessed.) That movie started it all and Lize and I quickly realized we adored them and always would. Our love affair has never really ended since.

In fact, who wants to know a little bloggy secret?  The name of our blog is a quoted line out of "Holiday in the Sun"! Only true true hard core nerd ball MKA fans like us may know the obscure line that we have quoted for almost 10 years now! Hahahahaha! Only about 5 people knew that until now! So now you all know! I LIVE FOR IT had turned into an everyday catch phrase for Lize and I, applying to fashion and all sorts of other things in our lives. But it must be said like it is said in the movie for it to have it's true effect. Ha! Beyond hysterical! (Hint: Megan Fox says it!)

Ok, so on to my little lazy day off collage of Mary Kate.  These are a couple of my favorite looks, old and new! My top look for today is her in that little white tunic dress, the massive Balenciaga boots next to the car, holding her huge Venti Iced Latte. Killer dress! Ugh, want want want!!! There will always be something that is so "go to" for me about a clean white linen dress, black boots, and total bed head hair. ;) Hope you guys are all having a fantastic week! Lots of love!

X. Jewls

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