Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Work in Progress

These are the first images of one of my pieces for my new "Passion and Obsession" Project. The idea of the range of dresses is to show the progression of emotion from passion to obsession. This First dress is White to symbolize the innocence of passion. The burgundy ribbon shows the colour of passion. The chiffon material is sheer so as to show the saucy side of the emotion rather than just being pure like a wedding dress. I will eventually cover the top section of the dress in feather shaped cut outs of white satin, inspired by the painting "The passion of dance" where the ballerina in the portrait is wearing a fathered skirt.
With all of my dresses I aim to make a set of underwear but that's going to take some practice and ideas!! It's something that i'm quite new too.. whereas this dress, by the time i'm finished will have only taken me a few hours. I'm hoping that the simplicity of this design will contrast with the complexity of what I hope to make for the other two.
What do you think so far??  I'll put up completed pics in a few days..


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