Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Nail Polish Color Obsession: "Riva" by CHANEL

Legendary make-up director for Chanel, Peter Philips, was inspired by the 70's while concocting colors up for Chanel's Spring 2011 show.  It's no surprise or revelation to anyone that we are going to be seeing a lot of 70's revival this spring. While I have the 70's to thank for some of my all time favorite trends... absurdly short baby doll dresses, sky high mary jane platforms, embellished tunic blouses, ridiculously huge scarves wrapped around my head... I must say that the colorful graphic and floral prints start to get a teeeeeeeeeensy bit migraine inducing. All that acid dropping may have played a role in people's fashion choices back then. Ha! But with a clear mind, I may be veering away from the some of the really over the top prints coming out this season. Clean, elegant, experimental, fun yet functional is usually my way of going about things and nail polish to me is like candy. I probably change my color weekly! I need a full chest of drawers to fit my collection of colors! People honestly underestimate what a huge effect nail color has on an ensemble and your mood! With that being said, I am ADORING "Riva" by Chanel! What a huge switch from the dark espressos, deep emerald greens, and taupes that I have been donning as of lately. I can't wait to get my hands on this color. Literally!!! Lize and I will have to make a quick run into Chanel on Robertson this Friday when she gets to LA. I see a girly manicure hour while watching horrible old MKA movies on the horizon! Ahhh, sounds perfect to me! ;)

X. Jewls

Don't you wish the bracelet could come with the polish? Yeah, that would be a nice combo. Ah well... I'll have to dig through all my old Chanel jewelry that I haven't worn in ages and give them new life with this nail color!

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