Monday, June 21, 2010

Alexa Chung and her Sheer Chanel Polka Dot Tights

Cleeeeeeearly obsessed... Alexa knows a good item when she sees one. Lize has been a fan for some time while I took some warming up to her. I felt she popped onto the scene a little out of nowhere, but then I realized I was just jealous cause she was getting so many friggin' give aways and amazing clothes all at once. Bahahaha. She really is adorable and has an amazing fashion sense. I have been compiling a massive file for some time for a street style post that will go up later on. For now... the sheer polka dot Chanel tights!! Worn as pants? Shorts? Tights? Who cares. Alexa is a twig and can do whatever she wants! Happy Monday guys.

X. Jewls

So amazing. Get them on my legs this second.

She is such a Chanel hogger. Ha!

But you can't blame her.

I love all these colors together. The bag ties it all up nicely. No pants on? Ah well... It looks cute!

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