Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Loree Rodkin Knuckle Rings

Ok, so this knuckle ring madness obviously had to begin somewhere and it was all Loree Rodkin. I was at my best guy friend's house last weekend for a party and bumped into an acquaintance of ours who is a little bit of a gazillionaire... and she had on two of these on her right hand. My mouth dropped as I walked up to her to do the obligatory LA air kiss and hug ...then grabbed her hand and said "These are NOT Loree Rodkin!? Are they?" She goes, "Yeah, I have like 14 of these... a little collection." I go, "You realize you have a year of college tuition on your right hand. Your nuts." She laughed hysterically and goes "I know. I am sick." Ughhhh!!! They look a little cheap in photos, but they really are breathtaking in person. I kind of died all over myself silently and had to go have a moment in the bathroom and feel bad about being a broke 25 year old. Ahhhhh. These rings literally start at $13,000 and range up to $26,000. Here are some snaps of Loree's work.

X. Jewls

Of course MK would have like ten of these, but she pulls it off best.


Heidi doesn't really pull it off for me, but these rings are some of my very favorites.

Ozzy... Haha! And she is sporting the Pamela Love that Liza and I are drooling over.

So gorgeous.


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