Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Webazine Spotlight: Playing Fashion

Playing Fashion Online Magazine is a new obsession for me! Caroline Buist and Sophie Dillon modeled for Playing Fashion Summer 2010 and it was photographed by Nicole Maria Winkler and styled by Emily Rajch. This shoot kills me! It reminds me so much of Liza and I just running around being nuts together. I am completely falling in love with Nicole's photography and Emily's styling... way to go out of the box... finally! This issue in particular featured British designers, so these girls are decked in Alice Palmer, Rachel Freire, and Mary Benson. The rest of their garms... well I would need a translator, but I don't really care cause it all looks incredible. I'd take it all any day of the week! Take a peek! Hope you're all well!

X. Jewls

SO precious.

Might be my favorite shot.

Grunge chillin'.

Second favorite shot. I adore everything about this.

Yes, please. All of it.

The kitty! The outfit! It's perfection!

A homeless pirate in a sick dress. I live for it.

I love that they shot these pics with nothing but wet raggedy hair and tight top knot buns. Genius.

"The bad kids."


These rings are unreal. You would need a new word for "knuckle ring" with these on.


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